We assist companies operating in any industry, analysing all financial issues related to litigation (contractual performance, competition, damage claims, delays, M&A, market abuse, etc.).

We evaluate the various implications – including quantifying damages and examining the technical issues at the heart of the dispute – and present our findings in a clear and understandable manner.

of damages

Finexsi assists its clients and their legal advisors in resolving disputes before administrative, civil and criminal courts.

Our team draws on all its expertise in financial, economic and accounting matters to independently assess financial losses or analyse the complex technical issues involved in litigation.

We work on behalf of both claimants and defendants and deliver our findings in a well-reasoned and documented expert report.

International arbitration

Our experts regularly appear before national and international arbitration bodies (ICC, ICSID, etc.) to assist the Tribunal with technical financial issues or the quantification of damages.

We support our clients from the drafting of the arbitration request through to providing witness testimony.

« Finexsi mobilizes a team of experts fully dedicated to the success of your project. We provide you with advice and support tailored to the complexity of each situation. »

Regulatory & Criminal proceedings

We support our clients and our peers in proceedings before the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), the Autorité de la Concurrence, the ACPR, the H2A, etc.

We also appear before criminal courts, including the French Financial Prosecutor’s Office, in the context of Judicial Public Interest Agreements.

and Forensics

Investigations and Forensics aim to provide companies and their advisors with factual financial and accounting elements, allowing them to confirm or deny allegations or suspicions of wrongful acts within a company.

Within the framework of investigative missions, Finexsi is able to deploy, within the best possible timeframes, multidisciplinary teams adapted to the context and objectives of the mission.

The firm has, in support of its missions, specific and secure Forensic tools enabling the processing and analysis of large volumes of structured data (ERP) and unstructured data (emails and documents).

Judicial expertise

Our experts are regularly appointed by criminal, civil, or administrative courts and act independently, respecting the adversarial process to provide technical insights to the courts.


In a contractual or judicial context, our mediators strive to help the parties resolve their disputes in an amicable and efficient manner. Our experienced mediators facilitate communication and negotiation, ensuring fair and sustainable solutions.