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Our experts

Olivier Péronnet

Founding Partner

Olivier Péronnet is a founding partner of Finexsi.
He is a Chartered Accountant, Statutory Auditor, Expert before the Paris Court of Appeal and approved by the French Supreme Court.

Vincent Collot


Vincent joined Finexsi in 2009 after 4 years at Ernst & Young in Luxembourg and Paris.

Vincent has extensive experience in audit for international groups and listed companies in Industry, financial and Media sectors. He developed a significant experience in French accounting standards and IFRS.

Olivier Courau


Olivier Courau joined Finexsi as a Manager in 1998. He is now a partner in the firm. Olivier is a member of the French professional association of independent appraisers (Association Professionnelle des Experts Indépendants – APEI), a member of the French society of financial advisors and appraisers (Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers – CCEF), a member of the French society of valuers (Société Française des Évaluateurs – SFEV) and is registered on the list of legal experts at the Paris Appeal Court since January 1, 2020.

Christophe Lambert


Christophe joined Finexsi in 2011 as Managing Partner after working for 12 years at Ernst & Young in Paris, in the large corporation audit department.
Christophe has extensive experience of audit and consultancy assignments with groups and listed companies in an international environment. In particular, his work covers the manufacturing, high-tech and investment fund sectors.

Lucas Robin


Lucas Robin joined Finexsi in 2001 after starting his career at Cailliau Dedouit et Associé and then working as a manager at Ernst & Young in its banking, insurance and real estate department.

Lucas has a great deal of experience in valuation assignments, which he has been performing for more than 15 years. Every year, he leads a training course in financial valuation techniques for chartered accountants and statutory auditors.

Olivier Roussel


Olivier joined FINEXSI in 2019 as Partner after 14 years at the Paris office of Ernst & Young in the Large Corporates Audit department.

Prior to this, Olivier worked for the Eutelsat Group as CFO for the Euro Broadband business unit (10 subsidiaries in Europe) based in Turin, and then in Lausanne, in charge of a joint venture with an industrial partner.

Errick Uzzan


Errick Uzzan joined Finexsi as a partner in 2013. Previously, Errick worked for more than 12 years in the Transaction Advisory Services teams of Big Four accountancy firms (Ernst & Young and PriceWaterhouseCoopers).
Errick has international deal experience, having worked in New York and Tel Aviv for several years.

Jean-Marc Brichet


Before joining Finexsi in September 2017, Jean-Marc Brichet started his career with Coopers & Lybrand Audit in the Paris office (now PwC) and then worked for Ricol Lasteyrie from 1997 to 2017 where he became a partner in 2005.

Jean-Marc has significant experience in valuation assignments, which he has been performing for 25 years.

Uriel Goldberg


Uriel joined Finexsi as a partner in charge of the Forensic division in September 2024.

Prior to joining Finexsi, Uriel Goldberg accumulated 30 years of experience in France and the United States, including six years as an accounting and financial expert with the French National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) and three years as a Director in a Forensic Accounting firm.

Adeline Burnand


Adeline joined Finexsi in 2006 after first working at an independent audit firm.
She has extensive audit experience, covering both listed and unlisted groups.
Adeline also has a great deal of expertise in statutory and merger audits and in independent appraisals.

Dalila Lamriben


After spending four years at consultancy firm ADG International, Dalila joined Finexsi in 2009.
Dalila has extensive experience in auditing consolidated financial statements according to IFRSs and French accounting standards.

Maxime Rogeon


Maxime joined Finexsi in 2012 after 3 years at Mazars in Paris.
Maxime has extensive experience in audit for international groups and listed companies in Industry and financial sectors.

Eddie Gins


After seven years at William Nahum Associés & Partenaires, Eddie joined Finexsi in 2017.
Eddie has considerable expertise in evaluating economic damages within the framework of legal disputes (civil, criminal or arbitrage proceedings).

Marc De La Bédoyère


Marc joined Finexsi in 2019 after gaining initial experience in mergers and acquisitions and six years at Ledouble.
He has extensive expertise in financial valuations and asset transfer and merger audits.

Alice Widenlocher


Alice joined Finexsi in September 2012.
She has been involved in a number of audits of company financial statements and consolidated financial statements under IFRS or French accounting standards in a variety of business sectors.

Julien Bianciotto

Senior Manager – Evaluator Modeller

Julien joined Finexsi in 2016 after spending 9 years with Associés en Finance.
He has significant experience in financial valuation. He has also developed an expertise in litigation assistance in the context of disputes with a strong financial dimension.

Aymar De La Dure

Senior Manager

Aymar joined Finexsi in September 2019 after around seven years at EY in Paris within the Audit department and then the Fraud Investigation & Disputes department.

Having always worked within an international environment, Aymar has significant expertise in auditing listed groups and SMEs, investigating financial fraud (corruption, misappropriation of assets, financial statement fraud, etc.), as well as reviewing compliance procedures.

Thomas Libs

Senior Manager

Thomas joined Finexsi in 2019, after 6 years with Associés en Finance, an independent player in the field of valuation and financial expertise.
He has significant experience in financial valuation and financial advisory assignments for listed and unlisted companies.

Michel Rizzi

Manager – Information Systems

Michel joined Finexsi in 1999, and has extensive experience in auditing information systems and advising on IT projects.
He specialises in providing project owner assistance to accounting and financial departments as part of projects to overhaul information systems, acting as project manager.

Antoine Bernard


Antoine joined Finexsi in April 2018 after 5 years in audit and accounting firms.
He has significant experience in legal and contractual auditing and is involved in a large number of audit assignments for company accounts and consolidated accounts under IFRS or French standards, in various sectors. Antoine has also developed an expertise in consulting and advisory.

Nathan Lahousse


Nathan joined Finexsi in 2017, first as an intern and then as an apprentice before becoming a permanent member of the firm.
Nathan has since developed expertise in financial valuation and support in litigation with a strong financial dimension.

Tom Rupp


Tom joined Finexsi in March 2018.
Until 2024, he worked on a large number of audit assignments for both standalone and consolidated financial statements in IFRS or French standards, across various sectors of activity. Tom also developed expertise in advisory services as well as in the valuation of financial damages in the context of litigation, before civil or criminal courts.

Marie Verger


Marie joined Finexsi in 2020, after gaining initial experience in financial valuation and the assessment of financial damages in the context of litigation at Sorgem Evaluation.
Marie has since developed expertise in financial valuation and support in litigation with a strong financial dimension.

Karin Jacquemart-Pernod

General Secretary – Chief Financial Officer

Karin joined Finexsi in 2020 as General Secretary and Chief Financial Officer.

She began her career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs in London and then spent over 25 years in private equity, primarily at Butler Capital Partners—10 years as part of the investment team, followed by around 15 years as General Secretary and Chief Financial Officer.

Michel Gauthier

Senior Advisor

Prior to joining Finexsi as Senior Advisor, Michel Gauthier was Audit and Financial Consulting partner at Peronnet Gauthier et Associés, before moving to Arthur Andersen and finally EY.
He held a number of roles at EY: managing director of EY France (2002-2015), partner in charge of the Transactions department (acquisitions, valuations, restructuring) (2009-2013), and member of the EMEIA Executive Committee in charge of Partner Matters (2012-2015).

Daniel Beaumont

Senior Advisor

Daniel Beaumont joined Finexsi in 2020 as a Senior Advisor.
He started his career in financial markets, working on the underlying assets (stocks, options, or bonds) and on the analysis and implementation of any financial transactions (intermediation, management, arbitrage in positions of responsibility).
As early as 1977, he started to build valuation models based on the Capital Market Line (Droite de Marché) with two variables: profitability and risk.

Our solutions

  • Valuation Services
  • Litigation Support
  • Advisory
  • Transaction Services
  • Corporate finance

Finexsi has a recognized independent reputation thanks to a team of experienced professionals skilled in handling complex operations, regardless of the context (public offers, restructurings, transactions, litigation, tax matters, management packages, etc.). Finexsi is a member of the IVSC, APEI (a professional association recognized by the AMF), SFEV, and CCEF.

Covering all sectors of activity, our objective is to analyze all financial issues related to litigation (contract execution, competition, damage, delay, M&A, market abuse, etc.). We identify its various implications, both in terms of quantifying damages and analyzing technical issues that are the subject of disagreement between the parties, and we present them in a clear and understandable manner.

Nearly 30 people are mobilized within our firm to meet your financial advisory needs (internal control, transformation of the finance function, contractual audits, etc.).

We intervene in financial transactions and, as experts, play a key role in helping our clients valuate, structure, and execute their complex operations.

We can intervene in an M&A process as a financial advisor at various stages of the process: conducting the preparatory phase, preparing pitch documents (teaser, information memorandum, management presentation, etc.), searching for strategic or financial partners, coordinating the sale process, and handling the negotiation phases up to closing.

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joining our team?

Expert knowledge, innovation and commitment are at the heart of our business. When you join Finexsi, you become part of a leading financial advisory and consulting services firm where you will have the opportunity to work on exciting, high-impact projects and deliver substantial value.